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Neighborhood Associates and our allied communities and partners in the news.

January 9, 2017

The World Bank | Washington, DC

The Andrew Young Foundation contracted Neighborhood Associates to organize the Future of Food conference at the World Bank. Sponsored by the USDA and the World Bank Agricultural Practices Group, the event engaged Historically Black Colleges and Universities, land grant schools, and international NGOs to bolster food security using urban farming.

NEWS: News

March 12, 2018

Herald Tribune

The Association of Florida Teaching Artists has been awarded a new state grant to mentor minority artists who want to become teaching artists. They also received funding from Neighborhood Associates to pilot the Families are Artists, Creators, & Teachers Program (FACT) in Bradenton, FL.


October 9, 2018

Wilmington, NC | Encore

Strengthening family bonds and showcasing the talents of urban communities is the focus of the Families are Artists, Creators, and Teachers (FACT) program that has made its way to Wilmington.


August 17, 2019

Louisville, KY | WDRB Media

The event features pieces from families who participated in the Families are Artists, Creators, and Teachers (FACT) Program in the Russell neighborhood alongside artwork and live performances by local nonprofit organizations and artists.



ILA Series on Leadership for the Greater Good:

Reflections on Today's Challenges from Around the Globe

by Dr. Bobby William Austin

"In the midst of chaos, there is no better time to reassert and reaffirm to the world and ourselves our mutual humanity."

November 18, 2020

Article | Nonprofit Quarterly | by Michael Shuman

"This quiet revolution in grassroots finance is welcome news to the nonprofit community. COVID-19 has crushed communities across the country and placed huge responsibilities on nonprofits at a time when their own soft-money resources have been throttled."

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April 21, 2021

Louisville, KY | LEO Weekly

"Despite still being in the throes of COVID-19...there are signs of life emerging in the world. One of those is the return of summer camps and other programs. Parents rejoice. Soon, sign-ups for one of the few completely free programs, the FACT program will open and, though it will remain virtual, it will provide families with art instruction and supplies for 10 weeks of art experiences."


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