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¡Febrero es el Mes de la Historia Negra!

Innumerables organizaciones, entre las que se encuentran las escuelas, ofrecen innumerables formas de involucrarse con los logros de los afroamericanos y con el tapiz más amplio de la cultura estadounidense en el que la raza está tan estrechamente entretejida. Esperamos que explore las ofertas de su biblioteca local, o visite un museo cercano que tendrá programación gratuita, o participe en una discusión con amigos y vecinos sobre cómo involucrarse con las contribuciones afroamericanas puede estimular todo tipo de resultados de Public Kinship, desde pensando en su propio lugar en Estados Unidos para actuar con otros.


Aquí hay ideas para actividades del Mes de la Historia Negra enfocadas en los jóvenes .

La Asociación para el estudio de la vida y la historia de los afroamericanos ha designado "Salud y bienestar de los afroamericanos" como el tema del Mes de la historia afroamericana de 2022. Su salud, la de su familia y la de su comunidad son parte de Public Kinship. Puede contribuir ofreciendo a alguien en su círculo de atención que lo lleve a una cita con el médico; ser voluntario en, o incluso organizar, un evento de salud en su vecindario; o haciendo algo para mejorar su propia salud y bienestar


Si está buscando algunas figuras notables de la historia estadounidense que ejemplifiquen tanto el parentesco público como los logros afroamericanos, ¡febrero tiene algunos buenos cumpleaños! ¡Vea los días del calendario a continuación! También está la novelista Toni Morrison; la figura de los Derechos Civiles Rosa Parks; el basquetbolista Michael Jordan; el actor Daniel Kaluuya, de Get Out y otras películas; y más.

¡Febrero es el mes de los amantes de la biblioteca!

Comience su parentesco público de febrero con un buen libro y haga clic arriba para ir a las bibliotecas Friends and Foundations of California. Han recopilado algunas formas excelentes de apoyar su sistema de biblioteca local y aprovechar al máximo todo lo que tiene para ofrecer.


Qué hacer por ti mismo

Las bibliotecas de hoy son mucho más que lugares para sacar libros. Tienen espacio para estudiar y realizar reuniones; ofrecen recursos digitales gratuitos de todo tipo; albergan programas públicos; crean comunidad.  

  • Encuentre la sucursal más cercana de su biblioteca pública y obtenga una tarjeta de biblioteca. Si ya tiene una tarjeta, lleve a un amigo a esa sucursal y muéstrele lo grandiosas que pueden ser las bibliotecas para todas las edades.

  • Las bibliotecas siempre seleccionan materiales para leer, mirar e interactuar durante meses especiales como el Mes de la Historia Negra. Si ve algo en el Public Kinship Calendar este mes, o cualquier mes, sobre lo que le gustaría obtener más información, ¡es probable que su biblioteca tenga algo para usted!


Qué hacer con los demás

Hay todo tipo de formas en estos días para apoyar su sistema de bibliotecas públicas:

  • ¡Usa tu biblioteca! Aproveche todo lo que ofrece, para que su ciudad y condado brinden apoyo continuo a nuestras bibliotecas.


  • Conviértase en voluntario: ¡todos esos servicios y oportunidades necesitan caras amables y manos dispuestas!



Y no se olvide... ¡agradezca a un bibliotecario hoy! Oye, espera, ¡es febrero! ¡Por qué no convertirlos en una tarjeta del Día de San Valentín para mostrar cuánto te gusta leer y visitar sus estanterías!

Black Women's History Month
National Volunteer Month

10 de febrero – Cumpleaños de Leontyne Price

¡La inmortal soprano celebra hoy su 95 cumpleaños! Leontyne Price es una de las mejores cantantes dramáticas de nuestra era, ascendiendo desde sus humildes comienzos en Mississippi para conquistar todos los principales teatros de ópera del mundo, ganar 19 premios Grammy por los discos en los que aparece y ser honrada por los presidentes y la nación hasta el día de hoy. . Su carrera muestra cómo puede sonar Public Kinship en todos los registros: ópera, espiritual, música popular y patriótica. ¿Cómo te habla?


Qué hacer por ti mismo

Todo lo que necesitas es su voz. Ella puede hacerlo todo. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias:



Qué hacer con los demás

Haz una lista de reproducción de algunos de tus músicos innovadores favoritos, agrega a Leontyne Price y compártela con amigos y familiares. Hablar con otros sobre artistas (en cualquier campo) que encuentre inspiradores e innovadores es una excelente manera de construir Public Kinship en el tejido de la cultura común.

Int'l Children's Book Day

11 de febrero – Cumpleaños de John McKnight

John McKnight es generalmente reconocido como el fundador de Desarrollo Comunitario Basado en Activos (ABCD), un concepto que coloca el conocimiento local, la experiencia comunitaria y la autocomprensión dirigida por activos en el centro de la práctica social dentro y más allá de los grupos marginados o desatendidos. El trabajo de NAC está profundamente informado por el trabajo de McKnight y el de sus colegas en el Instituto ABCD de la Universidad DePaul en Chicago.


Public Kinship comienza preguntándose: "¿En qué soy bueno?" “¿Qué sé hacer?” “¿Cuáles son mis propios valores, aspiraciones y formas de actuar en el mundo?” En otras palabras, comienza haciendo un examen de ti mismo basado en los activos y luego moviéndose hacia afuera. El Public Kinship Reflection Journal tiene ejercicios para comenzar con esto. Pero esperamos que se tome un tiempo para consultar con usted mismo sobre estas preguntas de cualquier forma que pueda...

…y vas a partir de ahí. El Instituto ABCD y sus numerosos conjuntos de herramientas y publicaciones son recursos poderosos para aprender más sobre cómo el pensamiento basado en activos puede construir Public Kinship dentro y alrededor de usted.

Birth of Maya Angelou
World Health Day

April 7 – World Health Day

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of World Health Day's sponsor, the World Health Organization (WHO), set up "to keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable – so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and well-being."


This year's theme is "Health for All"! How can you bring your own Public Kinship toolkit and vision to bear on what it means to attain health and well-being, for yourself, your family, and the other circles of care that define your life?


What to Do for Yourself


As always, you can begin by asking: “What do I care about? What is my vision of a healthy self, family, community, world? What opportunities are available close at hand?” Then . . .



What to Do with Others


  • WHO’s Campaign Toolkit contains resources that you can use to share the simple message behind “Health for All” with those you know and care about, so they can likewise spread the word. Do you belong to a neighborhood or tenant association, parents’ group, or other social network where messaging for the good of the community is part of your work? Incorporate some of the everyday work of World Health Day 2023 into what you all do.


  • And . . . National Volunteer Week and Earth Day are just around the corner. Make April a world health month by joining a common culture of advocacy for health for all!

April 16 - 22  National Volunteer Week


National Volunteer Week promotes volunteer service and shines a light on individuals and groups making a difference. Service can help build strong communities, and often has ripple effects beyond what can be seen immediately.  


Public Kinship encourages the power of reflecting on the people, communities, and causes you care about, and then engaging in the world. Participation is how Public Kinship moves from I to Us.

What to Do for Yourself

  • Show gratitude and grace toward yourself. Even small acts matter. No need to tackle a huge commitment.

  • You can deepen your involvement with a group or project you already are committed to. Share expertise you know you have. Let your talent shine!

  • Or…try something new in a situation where you will be encouraged and acknowledged. You never know: you might have an undiscovered talent to share!

Points of Light has a great search engine for matching community needs with your aspirations to serve!

What to Do with Others

Promote Public Kinship through individual or collective action.  You have the power!


  • Lift up someone. Thank and acknowledge them for their participation in building Public Kinship.

  • Invite someone to join you in an activity. Or offer to support them in assisting an individual or group they know. Identify a service project they care about and join in!

  • Recruit others. Many hands make light work and help build community spirit.

  • Join a local organization to learn about opportunities to serve.


With or without recognition, you can touch the lives of many through volunteer acts of kindness and inspiration.

National Volunteer Week
Earth Day

April 22  Earth Day

Caring for Mother Earth’s health is caring for your own current and future health, and that of those who follow us.

What to Do for Yourself


  • Reflect on nature or clean air and water.  What do you like about nature?  What pollution do you see or smell? Write freehand. Or structure a poem. Write your own creation first, or read silently or out loud “April Rain Song” or “An Earth Song”, poems by Langston Hughes. This would celebrate both the Earth and National Poetry Month.  Don’t worry about how “good” your poem is. The act of writing by itself can focus your attention.



What to Do with Others


  • Go for a walk with someone. Take a small bag or two and disposable gloves or garden gloves. Pick up recyclable plastic in one bag. Or pick up litter in the second bag. Or both!  Have a friendly competition on sighting and gathering. Connect with your walk-partner and the neighbors you encounter. 


  • Is your school doing something for Earth Day? Read up and share some knowledge with classmates and the teacher, at the right time. Facts and figures can be good to share, but a personal story could be more memorable and impactful. “Climate literacy” is a thing! Talk about something you witnessed or thought about. 


  • Do you have access to safe water most of the time? Is there lead in your pipes? Find out what your local government is doing to correct unclean water or rusting pipes. Does taking a stand on such issues make sense for you, your family, and community?  This analysis is part of Civic Engagement, a tenet of Public Kinship.


  • Does your school or community have a garden? If not, how could you start one? If you already have access to a garden, how would you like to be involved? Your participation will be an example of enacting the Public Kinship goal of acting for the common good.

  • Take a Hike! Do you have relatives who could host you for a day or more? Notice the different ways Mother Nature communicates in different places.


  • Last but not least, don’t forget about Youth Earth Week, which emphasizes engaging young people in making the world a better place.

April 27 - Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day


The Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Foundation started this Day of Action to “ show [children] the value of their education, help them discover the power and possibilities of work and family life, provide boys and girls a chance to share how they envision the future, and allow them to begin steps toward their goals in a hands-on and interactive environment….”


2023's theme is “Working Better Together.” Could there be a more Public Kinship-friendly focus? What can you do with this Day for yourself, your family, and others?

What to Do for Yourself

As always with Public Kinship, begin with yourself: What do you think the value of a child’s education and possibilities are? How does what you – or another caring adult – do for a living embody the values of this Day? What do you want to do to contribute to the spirit of the Day?

What to Do with Others

  • Visit the Foundation’s Resources page for more info on how to engage with this Day as an employer, employee, and/or parent.


  • Find out if your employer participates in this Day, and/or offers other opportunities for young people to “shadow” a parent or family member at work. If so, make it happen! If not, and if you feel comfortable doing so, raise the possibility of starting such a program.


April 28 - Arbor Day

Arbor Day 2023 is the 152th anniversary of this tree-planting holiday, and the work this holiday celebrates has never been more important. Few community resources – at any scale – have the ongoing benefits provided by trees: their shade cools sidewalks; their leaves enrich the air; their nutrients revitalize the soil; on and on. Make Arbor Day "Earth Day Part 2" with some activities that will get you outdoors and planting with others! #ArborDay


What to Do for Yourself


Learn about Arbor Day and the importance of tree-planting to strong communities. Ask yourself what trees could have to do with Public Kinship: are they part of your moral mind? What community functions do they serve? How would you like to contribute?


What to Do with Others

Find a celebration in your state and get involved! You can also get the kids excited about trees with the Arbor Day Foundation’s Kids’ Activities page!

April 29 - Birthday of Duke Ellington


Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington (1899-1972) was a composer, big-band leader, jazz titan, cultural ambassador both at home and abroad, civil rights advocate, and one of the central creative figures of the global 20th century. Perhaps more than any other American artist, Duke Ellington fully dedicated himself to the proposition that art, particularly American jazz, formed a universal language of freedom and human possibility. From Harlem to Helsinki, from Baghdad to Beverly Hills, the Duke and his mighty orchestras literally performed Public Kinship in every key. Honor him today with some of our recommendations below!

What to Do for Yourself


Here is a tiny sampling of songs we think represent a cross-section of Duke Ellington’s incredibly diverse career and range of contributions to American music over 6 decades.





What to Do with Others


Listening party with the Duke and other musicians whom you and your friends feel embody Public Kinship in their art!

Birth of Duke Ellington
Arbor Day
Daughters & Sons to Work Day
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